The Best Paper Bags (and what they say about your business)

Can something as simple as a bag influence customer perception of your product?

The answer is a resounding YES! From the moment your product is handed over, your choice of bag will influence how the buyer feels about their purchase. In other words, your branded bag will do the talking for you.

Focus on your customer

How will your custom printed bag make her feel? You want her to be proud of her purchase and excited to unwrap it. Premium packaging will add an emotional sense of pleasure and physical evidence of the quality of your brand. So add ribbon handles or gold lettering, or maybe a simple design and tactile finish. Appeal to your ideal customer and she will connect with your business.

Luxury Bags for your products

Rope handles, laminated matt finish, designer graphics: there are so many ways to ensure your printed carrier bag feels luxurious. But take time to explore which style of bag will work best for your product too. Choose the right size and strength to ensure your bag does the best job, and with luck it may be used and re-used. Great for your customer, the environment, and great for your business.

Brand advertising

High-quality professional printing of your bag is crucial. But don’t just slap your logo on a bag and expect it to look good: check that your supplier can offer help with visual design that will properly reflect your brand’s personality.  A beautiful bag will attract attention wherever it goes, an excellent marketing tool for your company.

Clearly the best paper bags say a lot about your business:

  • Luxury bags invoke a high quality business with superior products
  • Well-designed bespoke bags engage with customer emotions to build a relationship
  • Clever use of brand logos and colours represent your brand personality wherever the bag may be.

Choose a luxury bag that will do the talking for your business.

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